Distance Learning
SoftConcept provides distributed learning services for the Army Management Staff College’s main campus on Fort Belvoir Virginia as well as the annex at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Our support included:
- Helpdesk/Service Desk
- Instructional and graphics design
- Interactive web development
- Multimedia content developers and back-end programmers
Web development and Administration
For the Department of Commerce National Information Technology Service (NTIS) SoftConcept administered e-SST websites, which are fully compliant with Section 508, electronic privacy requirements and develops web pages using Cascading Style Sheets and MS.net. The e-SST is implementing complex websites using backend MS technology that includes .net, MS SQL, XML, and MS Internet Server. We also managed the associated MS SQL database supporting e-SST web sites. SoftConcept designed and programmed IRS CD Order Form page and this can be seen at https://www.ntis.gov/irscd/orderform.aspx. We also implemented graphic design for the newly deployed NTIS Site Search, an ASP.NET search engine and the page is available at http://www.ntis.gov/search/sitesearch.aspx.